Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My hat is jinxed

Have you ever felt that a project, no matter how great you think it will turn out, is jinxed? My rolled brim cloche is one of those projects. I know I made one in the past year, but after cleaning my sewing and knitting spaces (really cleaning not just a pretend cleaning), I could not find it. So I started another one out of the taupe yarn leftover from the first cloche. But in a massive lapse in judgment I left it sitting out one night and the cats got to it and pretty much destroyed it. The indoor cats almost became outdoor cats the morning I discovered that they had thrown a shredding party with my hat.

So, I started on hat number 3. Number 3. New yarn, new needles, new project bag to store it in. Hat #3 took a little longer than the other ones. I think the pattern may have worn me down a little. But I finally prevailed over the hat, the yarn, and the cats. I haven't had much luck taking a picture of myself wearing it, and my sons definitely will not wear it for a picture. So for the time being, we are offering a picture of the finished hat sitting on my ironing board. 


Along the way, I took some photos of the hat. The hat starts off knit back and forth, then it is seamed before the "brim" portion is knit in the round.

The back seam being stitched together.
Front view after the back seam had been stitched.

Top view of the unfinished hat.

So, the lesson learned on this project. Always put things away when you are done working or playing with them. Geez, that sounds an awful lot like what I tell the boys 30 times a day.

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